Thursday 27 September 2012


Addiction: A physical or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, such as a drug or alcohol. In physical addiction, the body adapts to the substance being used and gradually requires increased amounts to reproduce the effects originally produced by smaller doses.

I want to start by admitting that I am an addict. Now, that I have admitted I feel a lot better about my addiction as announcing it to the world I can continue without having to think what others will see me as.

My addiction is not life changing, it does not physically or psychologically affect me in any way that is adverse, my addiction is a good addiction!

Ok, enough suspense....I am addicted to CYCLING. There is said it.

Yes, cycling. What started off as a way to commute to work as it was the easiest, cheapest and environmentally friendly way has become something that I crave, I need to do if I don't I feel unhappy, lathergic and just lazy!

The definition above states: "A physical or psychological need for a habit-forming substance such as a drug or alcohol." My drugs of choice is endorphines, dopamine and adrenaline!

Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally.  As well endorphins, exercise also releases adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine.  These chemicals work together to make you feel good....
During exercise, these endorphins are released, and this can produce feelings of euphoria and a general state of wellbeing.

Read more:
I found that my daily commute to work was not longer enough to satisfy my needs, I started by increasing the distance through finding other ways to work. I am sometimes found to go 5 miles out of my way in the opposite direction so that I can make more of it and thats at 6am!
As I found all my routes were limited through time and my ability was improving, I took to really pushing myself with big rides before a late shift, these ranged from 20 to 40 miles dependent on time starting in afternoon.
 Here is a typical ride before work using strava:

<iframe height='405' width='590' frameborder='0' allowtransparency='true' scrolling='no' src=''></iframe>

Friday 21 September 2012

Lack of Blogging!

Well it has been well over 6 months since the last time I wrote anything on this blog!

I have a lot of catching up to do but I think that would just be boring for everyone really.

Here's a brief overview: Work, Writing and Cycling are the major contributors within some other stuff in between mostly holidays or short breaks away would be more precise.

I can't do a catch up of Summer 2012 without mentioning the most important part can I, THE OLYMPICS!!

Starting off in a very self-absorbed frame of mind with an ultimate questions of WHY??
  • Why did they have to restrict my holiday meaning none was allowed during the Olympic period?
  • Why was everyone so obsessed about some sports when it is on all year round?
  • Why had the Olympics needed to be rammed down our throats?
  • Why the hell did the Government employ G4S?
As the Olympic Games kicked off, the whole country went mad for the opening ceremony. It showed the whole country in a whole new light to the rest of the world, yeah? Did it really? What a waste of millions of pounds that could have funded new jobs, the NHS, better policing, getting us out of National Debt?
I was still quite pessimistic at this point!

Then, the moment of change....CYCLING started and I was hooked!! And I mean hooked, I watched it live then I watched the replays on BBC IPLAYER, read the results on Internet, constantly checked my phone for updates on the road race, Chris Hoy's Keirin race and the team track events.
Fantastic week of events then the so called sports started and were present in between, I switched off again at this point not really concentrating on the results just the medal table...oh how I wanted to beat USA!