Friday 16 December 2011

Christmas Partes

I have attended my first Christmas party of the week on Tuesday night. This was my work night out to celebrate with team members past and present our hard work over the past year.

We started with the pre-meal drinks at All Bar One, here is a picture taken from this venue showing me and the other silly blokes on the team! What a lovely group we make!!

The proceeded to the meal at Slug and Lettuce, just across the way from our drinks. The food was OK, not amazing but mass produced for the many parties they have. Soup, followed by Salmon and Profiteroles, all full of flavour but the steamed veggies that came with the mains, were tasteless and watery!

I am sure that this gentleman wont mind his picture being taken! Haha!
The menu, we went to Birmingham: (not too sure if this will work after Crimbo!)

Many people left at this point and it was down to the hardcore!! Here we are!

Tonight, I am off to my second Crimbo Party. Wish me luck, it could get messy!!!!

Monday 12 December 2011

Bangkok Eight- John Burdett

Bangkok Eight

When a US Marine is killed in Bangkok, the task of finding the murderer falls to Detective Sonchai Jitpleecheep, seemingly the only member of the Royal Thai Police Force whose idea of justice excludes the habitual bribe-taking practised by his fellow officers. This assignment is especially important to the devout detective because during the investigation of the murder scene, the methamphetamine-stoked snakes that bit the marine also kill Sonchai's police partner, best friend and Buddhist soul-mate Pichai. Sonchai's pursuit of revenge will team him with a sexually frustrated FBI agent and leave them at the mercy of yaa-baa-fuelled motorcycle-taxi drivers as they hurtle through neon-lit Bangkok and into the labyrinthine and deadly machinations of the international jade and drug trades in search of the killer.

This is the worst book I have read for crime fiction in years. The description of Bangkok and the night life, sex trade and social disadvantages of some of the population of Thailand is probably the best thing about this book.
The crime side of things, somewhere to be found in a congested book full of other fiction and facts. Book is not fast moving, the plot is boring and I would not recommend this book to anyone.

Read more reviews at:

Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Wild Zone - Joy Fielding

The Wild Zone

In this compelling novel, Fielding introduces two brothers, Will and Jeff, and their friend Tom, a trio of playboys out to make something happen in the hot sands of South Beach. One night at their favorite watering hole, they make a bet on who will be the first to seduce a mysterious young woman they’ve never seen before. Dark-haired and blue-eyed, Suzy has a disarming, girl-next-door aura about her. She seems like an easy mark, “just waiting for Prince Charming to hit on her,” says Jeff. But these players have no idea what they’re dealing with. A woman filled with secrets, Suzy is hunting for the right man to kill her abusive husband. In the end, the real competition will be to see which Prince Charming is tough enough to slay the dragon and rescue this damsel in distress. And he may not come out alive.

I had read this book in quick succession to another Joy Fielding - Still Life and had hoped for more from this installment. I began the book and I was instantly hooked by the plot of three friends and a female playing them all off against each other to kill her husband. Throughout the book, I kept feeling one more chapter and then before I knew it within a day I had read the whole book! Page turner, most definitely. Fantastic plot and the ending is a little expected from a seasoned thriller/crime reader but still very good.

Monday 5 December 2011

False Details: Update

I have now got to the point where all things are good, ticking along very nicely and a brickwall has now hit the free flowing narrative and creative word count.

I have written up all the ideas and now I trapising through the words to find things I have missed, does the story flow, does it make sense?!
Well it does to me, I keep saying but when I read it as non-writer, no it does not!!!


Here is an extract of my latest chapter written for False Details:

“M12, are you free for an immediate”
“Yes, go ahead.”
“It has come through as “The Inn”, which looking does not look like it is anywhere we know. We are trying to find out, consulting Google”
“Local knowledge it is the youth club at St Martins Church” shouted up someone with some information.
“Thank you that officer, then according to mapping shows to be part of St Martins Church, Stanton Green off the Highway close to Princes School.”
“All received. What is the job please?”
“There has been a party this evening, well not a party as such but a group of youths have gone to the youth club for the memorial of Natalie Woodman, killed a few days ago. And it looks like it has got out of hand and criminal damage has occurred, large groups are now spilling into the surroundings.”

Kenny had sat and listened to the whole exchange on his radio. His ears pricked up from the calming melodies and rifts of Joe Bonamasa streaming from his computer terminal. He spoke to intelligence this afternoon after his visit to the school and receiving such information from the teaching staff and students. He wanted to find out how he could best distribute the information across the force in case of any issues that spilled out of Birmingham South into other police areas. They suggested using the Intelligence Management System otherwise known to the officers as IMS. IMS is good for long term issues that need to be collated for a one off event that is happening that same evening not so good.
He called the Service desk, logged the conversation and asked it to be brought to the attention of the local Neighbourhood Team. Which would have been fine but they booked off duty at 10pm according to the shift pattern, it is now nearly half past 10. It was now up to response and the units to deal with.

“M12 arrived at the scene. More units required. Approximately 30 youths standing outside the premise. Very intoxicated and I don’t think the Police arriving has calmed them down.”
“Thank you for update. Other units are one minute away.”
“Blue lights and sirens may need to be switched off, silent approach.” Sergeant Blake barking orders from the comfort of his office. “I repeat no tones; do not want hostility to rise.”
Suddenly, the air was clear of two tones and the crowd moved away from the centre.

Thursday 1 December 2011


I have now had my Cycle to Work scheme bike for 12 months and I think i has run its course in terms of having no problems with it!

I have had 3 punctures in as many days and I am not happy!! Talking about bad things coming in threes...

I could not be bothered with puncture repair kits and as I had a supply of inner tubes I changed the first on Monday for a lovely new one and it was a pain to get off. Always the way with a the first time you have to change a tyre. Once it was sorted, I thought that there would be no more problems, Oh No. How wrong could I be?!

Following morning, I wake up to a flat! Inflated it as I was going to be late for work and sorted it there. For another new inner tube, that old (new) one could have been faulty, I hear you say! So did I!

 Lets hope I don't get to this stage!!

No, No, No (A little alternative Christmas). Yesterday morning, I got to the first of the two hills on my journey, halfway between home and work. I realise I am riding on the rim! So I had a few options:

1) Walk Home - I was halfway so it would take me 15 minutes to walk with the bike. I had less than 45 minutes to get to work. Not a good idea
2) Chain the bike up - Good idea in principle but not a good area to leave it and I only had a loop lock as I was not expecting to leave it anywhere. So not a good idea
3) Walk to work and sort it out later - Yes, I think I would do this but it would take a while pushing a bike! I was in luck, a very kind workmate helped a friend in need! I had a lift the rest of the way and still arrived in time.

Now I still have the problem of a flat, I am going to do some exploring of the issue. Tyre checks and wheel checks to be done. Something must be causing the puncture.

 Me Tomorrow Later Hopefully!!!!