Friday 16 December 2011

Christmas Partes

I have attended my first Christmas party of the week on Tuesday night. This was my work night out to celebrate with team members past and present our hard work over the past year.

We started with the pre-meal drinks at All Bar One, here is a picture taken from this venue showing me and the other silly blokes on the team! What a lovely group we make!!

The proceeded to the meal at Slug and Lettuce, just across the way from our drinks. The food was OK, not amazing but mass produced for the many parties they have. Soup, followed by Salmon and Profiteroles, all full of flavour but the steamed veggies that came with the mains, were tasteless and watery!

I am sure that this gentleman wont mind his picture being taken! Haha!
The menu, we went to Birmingham: (not too sure if this will work after Crimbo!)

Many people left at this point and it was down to the hardcore!! Here we are!

Tonight, I am off to my second Crimbo Party. Wish me luck, it could get messy!!!!

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