Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year Resolutions

So here we are 2012 has begun. Firstly, I wish everyone who reads this blog a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their Christmas and is not too overweight from the excess food consumed over this period.

A New Year brings with it the promise of good fortune, a better year than the last and the hope that we can all become one step closer to our ideal.

Every year, millions of people set themselves a set of rules that their wish to keep to... the usual ones are going to the gym, lose weight, stop eating junk etc. They all seem to follow the same pattern in losing the excessive weight that was gain from the previous Christmas.

I believe that New Year Resolutions should be more long term goals and something that can be maintained throughout the year, something with more than one challenge set and once this has been reached the next stage of the goal can be achieved so that come 31st December you have reached all that was set out in front of you.

Here is an indication of how generally people do with their New Year Resolutions:

"Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals"

Here is a list of my New Year Resolutions:

1. Lose between 1-1.5 stone (1 and 2 are linked)
2. Train for the Aberdovey Bike Ride in June
3. Finish False Details (at Editing Stage so nearly there)
4. Start a new creative writing venture (I have the idea, cant wait to get started)

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