Friday 27 January 2012

I dreamt that...

My imagination is one that can take over very quickly if I get an idea into my head. My imagination is abstract in that I can read an article and then suddenly I have gone off on a tangent to the depth I feel the emotions that are involved.

My latest dream, is a daydream and it has developed over time...

Back before Christmas, I saw a job advert for a Coroner's Investigator. I could not apply for the job no matter how much I wanted as it was ring fenced to people who jobs were under threat from being re-organised for whatever reason.

Well, the job has come up again this week on the internal job search, (not that I look frequently, I just happened to be browsing intranet!) and I really want this job but again Ring fenced.

Before I lose your interest, as you are asking what is a Coroner Investigation!!

"A coroner investigator is a law enforcement officer who works with a team of people to determine the cause of death in situations where a death is deemed suspicious. Coroner investigators work under the supervision of a coroner, also known as a medical examiner. People can enter this law enforcement profession from a number of different angles, including experience in the medical profession, experience as a law enforcement officer, or training in criminal justice." Quote from

Coroners Officers work under the direction of the Coroner and liaise with bereaved families, the emergency services, government agencies, doctors, hospitals and funeral directors.

So my dream starts....

I walk into my supervisors office and begin to explain how much I want the job, my previous qualifications of Forensic Science Degree and how I have a morbid obsession with finding out how people died and the case surrounding the death. All perfect to the role.

My supervisor calls the supervisor from HR and it is agreed after lots of percussion that I should at least have a go at the interview.

Well, I go and get the job!!!  I am cycling to jobs with my panniers on the back with all my paperwork collecting all the information I need for the cases. After sometime in the role (I can not determine this from my dream) I have completed the courses and everyone is happy with my role and the work I am doing, I get a promotion to Assistant Coroner and am sitting at the bench with the Coroner making the decisions with the Coroner.

I would like to point out that I don't think there is a role of Assistant Coroner! So this is my dream going off on tangents!!

Sweet Dreams everyone, I am going to keep dreaming about hopefully getting a chance to apply for this job. Let's hope it comes out to everyone.

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