Sunday 29 January 2012

save the libraries

Recently, I have been going back to library for the simple reason of cost-cutting, saving 8-9 pounds per book and I found some real gems. I am lucky that in that around the area that I live in we have four libraries in pretty easy reach. Let's have a think, I have a two local library 20 minutes walk away, one approximately 30 minutes walk away and if I wanted something a bit more abstract Central Library in City Centre is 30 minutes on public transport. Personally, I do not think we need all the libraries that are open because they are not all being used to their maximum capicity and with 3 within walking distance, surely even closing one isn't going to affect things that much. Whereas getting to them is not a problem, I find that the content that is currently in them is an issue. When i first went back to the libraries, I went into my nearest one and went looking crime section, I stood there searching the stapled on sign posts for departments, no crime! Went to ask, the very helpful librarian, the answer i got "It is in the fiction department, all alphabetically sorted by author". I left the library at this point and found my salvation, the internet, luckily the Birmingham City Council have catalogued all their collection on the Web. I am reletively open with my choice of book, authors are not that big an issue for me it is the content of the book, I want a gripping, thrilling, hard hitting, original (you know what i mean, we all look for that unique one). I am into crime, true crime, horror, thrillers genre but then I am into Rome, Ancient History, good reference books that i can learn from. So I logged on using my library card and password, opened a new tab for Amazon (very useful 'people who brought this....') typed in an author I liked and i was away. Searched online catalogue, not at local library but can be transferred for pick up, made my 4 choices from my ever increasing wishlist and clicked for transfer. One Week later, email informing me that the books are ready for collection. DON'T CLOSE THEM! We need our libraries, I learnt to read from library books as have many millions of other children.

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