Sunday 22 January 2012

Importance of Cat

Here is something that I wrote a while ago from the propsective of Bubbles (His picture below) who is one of my lovely Cats:

I sat on the garage this afternoon sunbathing as usual when I was very rudely awoken by a couple of people walking past. It wasn’t the walking past that woke me, it was the conversation that they were having and it was not loud, no shouting had occurred, they walked past and I heard a word and I thought they were talking to me. Lots of people who approach me call me CAT, as they don’t know my name but this couple said ‘catastrophe’ and this still made me look around.
This incident got me thinking, the cats of this world are very important as material objects, to families that we belong to but how important are we in the english language and I wanted to know how many words there were starting with CAT? I started my investigation on the internet, Google is a godsend, but I just found lots of words and didn’t have the patience to look at all of them, so I went to see Daddy who was busy in the study. I asked him how I could find such information and he gave me a Dictionary, Mr Collins must have been busy writing all the words and meanings in such a book.
First of all, I looked up Cat itself, feline mammal usually having thick soft fur. Purrfect description.
Then, Catastrophe, sudden acts of violence or destruction, not very cat-like I think, well not at the scale it was pointing to anyway. We just have sudden acts of excitement that leads to destruction, things get in the way you see.
More words that did relate to Cats were:
  • Catcall – well this is purrfect, a loud high-pitched cry. Very cat like, but we prefer meow!
  • Catch – we catch birds, fish, wuzzy things (Joey’s input!)
  • Cater – to provide people with what they want. Everyone wants a stroke!
  • Cat’s-eye – self explainatory
  • Catty – unpleasant and spiteful, well not really only with other cats when they come onto our territory
  • Catwalk – narrow pathway that people walk along. We catwalk on fences instead.
So how important are Cats in the English language, extremely important because we created lots of violent, destructive, but also helpful words.
But please remember as the people who walked past today realised (it took their mind of the conversation they were having), the word cat also defines every feline in the world and saying might mean you get some attention from us!

I still read it now and make me laugh!

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