Friday 20 January 2012

Kings Norton to Stratford Upon Avon Bike Ride

Training has well and truly started now as I am trying out longer distances for size!

On Tuesday 10th, I was debating on where to go and thought: STRATFORD along the canal, very nice scenic route and it would be challenging 25.5 miles from Kings Norton to Stratford each way!

Set off from Kings Norton Junction at 9.30 and I kept a reasonable pace the whole way, and made it 3.5 hours. It would have been shorter if I would have thought ahead and NOT taken the canal route (there is another reason I wish I never took the canal but that will be revealed later on in the Blog).

Tip (and reminder to self!): Canals in the winter are very very boggy and it is a tough ride through lots of deep soft mud, the slipping and sliding and nearly falling into the canal!

I took one picture on my way to Stratford:

A reminder that I was heading to Stratford, all the locks grouped together!

So I arrived in Stratford for 1pm and I thought that I would be 12.30 at the latest but I did not think about the conditions so bit longer than expected! So my break was 30 minutes and with not taking on any food throughout the journey, I got off and nearly collaped!! My legs felt like jelly!

So after loads of Bananas, Musueli Bars and I was naughty and brought an energy drink to get my sugar level back up!! Half an hour break and I was off again but I took a few pics before leaving...

Lovely!! I forget how amazing the river and the surroundings of the RSC are!

Well off I went and what a journey this was...2nd reason for wishing I went back or both ways on the road...


2 Inner tubes packed and used, thought NO WAY AM I GOING TO USE THEM BOTH!!! MISTAKE!!!!

So both inner tubes used and then as I forgot to check the inside of the tyres properly, did not get the problem out!!


I was walking from this point, I got to:

 This is about 5 miles from Stratford, oh yes only 20.5 miles to get home!!!  So, as I was not going anywhere fast, another photo opportunity of the view from the aqueduct....

Off I went and a phone call had to made as I could not walk the rest of the fantastic wife agreed to pick me up but it was now 3pm and she did not finish until 5!!

Agreed to walk as far as I could until 4.30 and find a place to pick up from...thank god for GPS and my phone, I found Hockley Heath 10 miles away...quick walk started to get there...

I had some fun along the way though...GUESS THE PRICE???


I knew that end was approaching when the signpost finally told me that Hockley Heath was here!

We had a lovely meal in the Wharf Tavern, it was not until I got there that I realised it was the pub that I passed on the way to Stratford! Well, I was going to stop at all the pub on the way back for a relax but this was not like I planned!

RECAP: 25.5 to Stratford, 5 Miles back from Stratford (on bike) and 10 miles from Stratford (Walking)

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